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Mate Kozul or Igor Cavar can be contacted for information.


Contact Info:

Mate Kozul

Mate Kozul

Director of Coaching

Phone: 602-434-7219

Igor Cavar

Igor Cavar

Asst. Director of Coaching

Phone: 602-327-9495

NSSC offers a competitive program for players who desire a higher level of training and competition. Our focus is to maintain a quality, affordable program with a balanced curriculum that is challenging yet fun.

  • Tryouts are held in the month of May.
  • Open to all players between the ages 5-18.
  • Inclusive of all levels of play – top flight, intermediate, developmental, beginner and academy.
  • Specialized coaching staff: USSF licensed, former professional & collegiate coaching staff that are passionate about the game.
  • Player-centered coaching curriculum focused on individual technique and skills within a team environment.
  • Participation in Arizona Regional Leagues, Arizona State League, Port of Subs Open League, various tournaments and indoor programs.


  • 2 ninety-minute practices per week.
  • Additional team training and various individual training options available (see below).
  • Same convenient location each week: Desert Canyon Middle School or McDowell Mountain Ranch South Field.
  • Younger teams have early practice time priority.
  • SPECIALIZED GOALKEEPER TRAINING provided for all ages.


All teams will participate in a minimum of 2 tournaments per year.

  • NSSC recommends that each team participate 3-6 tournaments per year, depending on team’s age and level.
  • The majority of tournament participation is local, while higher-level teams may travel out-of-state.

Additional Training Programs

  • Friday Finishing
  • Additional team training available
  • Private and semi-private lessons available


Click here to view information about competitive fees.


Click here to view information about competitive uniforms.


If you have any additional questions please email us at